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The Suck

(Image graphic from physiqonomics.com) By Jamie Page I have watched countless people start the process only to completely stop right before the real change can happen. And yes, I mean people I have coached personally and there was nothing I could have said or done to get them past the...

How To Make Nut Butters

It's easy! Just throw them in the food processor and flavor it up. Here's how we make our Espresso Walnut Butter using J. Olive Co Espresso Balsamic. https://youtu.be/HClPBGu8I5E

Up In Farms Farm Packs

Up In Farms is bringing the Farmer's Market to your door step. In an effort to bring fresh, Mississippi-grown produce from all over the state into your kitchen, Up In Farms has created the "Farm Pack." It's a box of seasonal fresh veggies, farmed by local Mississippians, delivered to you...

Meal Prep in 22 minutes!

Coach Jamie shows you if you have 30 minutes, you can do a meal prep. The key is simple recipes and multiple cooking methods. https://youtu.be/MBqEwbBONNQ Video Recipes: Chili Rubbed Fish Garlicky Green Beans (CK Cookbook) Greek Salad (CK Cookbook) Roasted Sweet Potato slices Crock Pot Chicken

Sound Bites: Month 2

Month 2 of the Clean Kitchen Challenge is a really important phase for clients. Month 2 is when things really start clicking and clients start trusting the process. We asked clients in a survey, how do you feel your CK experience has gone so far? Here is what they had...

Yes, dudes need CK too.

It is not surprising that we get majority of women who sign up for Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge. But we do have those few brave men who take action. And when they go all in the results are amazing! Check out the beginning story of Justin's journey. We are...

T1D + CK

By Heather Williams I’ve been a Type-1 Diabetic going on 15 years. Living with T1D is a full-time balancing act requiring constant attention to avoid acute, life-threatening hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or the long-term damage done by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Blood sugar levels must be monitored with finger pricks...

It's about practice, not perfection.

By Dana Q. Palmer For me, the Clean Kitchen Challenge was a desperate attempt to find something that was missing in my life. You see, although I am a successful and happy adult, my day-to-day life was chaotic. I would awake before 5 am to commute 1.5 hours to work....

Party Food CK Style

By Meredith West It’s Party Time!! As CK client and now, a CK Coach, one of my favorite things about Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge is sharing how amazing and delicious healthy food can be! Whether, it is a church pot-luck, dinner party with friends, tailgate or a breakfast/brunch social,...

Client Sound Bites

Our coaches are not simply going to tell you what you “should” be doing, they'll help you discover what is really going on. Eight weeks in to our Winter 2017 challenge, we asked clients, What is one thing you have learned about your (past and present) eating habits through your...
