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Commitment to Eating Healthy

Are you really ready?

For today's lesson on the commitment to eating healthy, I was listening to ESPN Mike and Mike morning show. (No, not by choice. My husband always has ESPN on, but I do generally like the show). They were talking about a quarterback who, regardless of what he was supposed to be, just didn't perform like everyone thought he should. Essentially, the player did not do what it takes to be an elite quarterback. He didn't study, practice, or do the little details it takes to become an elite player. This can apply to anything in life. Especially your eating habits.

You get out what you put in, so do not be upset with the results you earned.

The difference between being average and elite are in the details. So I ask again, are you ready to make a commitment to eating healthy? Do you know what it really takes to eat better? No matter what your goal is, you will have to make many changes in your eating habits. Therefore, you can not let your excuses get the best of you; a commitment to eating healthy is not something that can be done halfway.. Every. Single. Time. I go to the grocery store I am shocked at what people buy. These same people are at a loss as to how their health has declined. Typically, I hear excuses like "oh I am just getting old," but that is so far from the truth. If you take care of your body, stick to your commitment to eat healthy, and do not fill it with crap food, it will not feel like crap. You will not feel tired, fatigued, moody, sad, or any other bad effect of eating crap food.
What does it take?
It is a lifestyle you have to commit to of eating real food. This is an every week commitment. Plan ahead so you do not make poor food choices. Decide what foods you will eat. Cook your food. Cook lots of your food. Eat GREEN veggies. Eat leftovers. You have to say no sometimes. You have to get your mind right to be ready.
And that is only a handful of changes you will have to make.
We are not here to say you will never eat another piece of cake or drink a beer. For example, Everyone eats cake on our birthdays. Even we do. But you can live the rest of your days being healthy, feeling great and a better version of you just by learning to eat REAL food. At Clean Kitchen, we are not going to give you a meal plan. There will not be a menu to follow. Why? Because this how you will learn to do it for yourself. Real life doesn't have chefs to make menus at our homes. If you don't make the commitment to eating healthy, who do you expect will? So, if you are really serious about your commitment to eating healthy, sign up for Clean Kitchen. We will give you information on how to choose foods, how to shop for whole foods, how to make your own menu of meals you choose to eat. You will have daily emails with loads of info, weekly homework assignments and habit checks to get you on the road towards your new healthier lifestyle. I do not say this lightly, we want people who are ready. We do not want to hear excuses for why you did not get your homework and habits done or why you ate a poor food choice. It is time to get your mind right and take this challenge full on! If you make it through, you will be prepared to take your nutrition to the next level! It is up to you on how far you take Clean Kitchen! Link to sign up for our January and February sessions is now up! Sign up here See you soon! Jamie & Katie