Summer 2019 Progress Pics
Winter 2019 Progress Pics
Fall 2018 Progress Pictures
Summer 2018 Progress Pics
Every time we finish another round of the Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge we are amazed by the progress our clients make. Many view the CK 12 Week Challenge as a "weight loss" program, and yes, our clients lose a lot of weight and even more inches. But Clean Kitchen...
Winter 2018 Progress Pictures
780+ pounds gone and over 100 lives changed. And this happened in 12 Weeks. The knowledge and habits developed during these past 12 weeks will carry them onward to week 13 and beyond! We created Clean Kitchen Challenge not as a weight-loss program, but more as a lifestyle program. Our...
Fall 2017 Progress Photos
SIGN UP HERE for the Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge The numbers and pictures are impressive. But even more impressive is the life changed behind these pictures and numbers! And the way we change people is slowly. In the Clean Kitchen challenge we slowly teach habits, strategies, and re-train their...
Summer 2017 Progress Pictures
Every 12 week Challenge we see amazing results. But we measure "results" in many different ways. The pictures get a lot of attention and they are nothing short of amazing, but when we hear feedback from our clients (like below), we know we helped change a life for good. And...
Winter 2017 CK Challenge Results
896.4 That is the total combined pounds lost of all the clients who just finished the Winter 2017 Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge. Honestly, that number is probably much higher but some people did not log final measurements! That number has nothing on inches lost by all participants. We are...
Summer 2016 Progress Pictures!
We had an amazing group of people in the Summer 2016 Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge. The progress picture vote was SO HARD with so many amazing pictures of progress. Featured below are our winners and a gallery full of of the amazing body transformations that happened in just 12...