Absolute Freedom
Belinda Teston: The Slump
By Belinda Teston I was in a perpetual slump. I worked out at Versus Strength & Conditioning at least 3 times a week and I had heard about Clean Kitchen program, but lacked confidence in my ability to actually do it. I have done gym challenges where I would lose...
T1D + CK
By Heather Williams I’ve been a Type-1 Diabetic going on 15 years. Living with T1D is a full-time balancing act requiring constant attention to avoid acute, life-threatening hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or the long-term damage done by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Blood sugar levels must be monitored with finger pricks...
CK Success Story: Traci Massey
https://youtu.be/trW5fglV7nk Traci Massey beat cancer. Then she beat any excuse to give up on her health. She joined Versus in October 2015, and the CK 12 Week Challenge Summer 2016. Now a year later she not only completely restored her body, but has a brand new outlook on life. Check...