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Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat.

Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat. Every single human does this daily. But not every person does this the same way. The amount, the time, and the quality of each step shapes pretty much everything we do in our daily lives, as well as our energy level, productivity and our body composition.

Nothing to lose...

By Christy Street I signed up for the Winter 2017 Clean Kitchen challenge after my aunt invited me to a Clean Kitchen cooking demonstration. Honestly, I was not convinced that I could “do” Clean Kitchen with all the “it must taste good,” healthy alternatives and eat your “plants” 4-8 times...

Courtney Turner

By Courtney Turner “You could win $1000..." I told myself as I coughed up the $250 to sign up for the Clean Kitchen Challenge. Not that I actually expected to win! It seemed like such a big investment at the time, but I can honestly say that what I gained...

Rebecca Bennett

By Rebecca Bennett This year, I turned 35 years old. I was at the lowest point I had been in my life in terms of my health. I knew something had to change, but I didn’t know what to do. In the depths of despair, I went to see a...

You are waiting...

Many people ask me about the CK Challenge and many are hesitant to commit. I get it. It’s a large chunk of change that you are investing in a program you haven’t experienced yet. So you do the cheapest route and wait, maybe just buy the CK cookbook. But in...

Changing my life, saved my life.

By Will Easterling About mid-way through the Clean Kitchen 12 week challenge, it hit me. I realized at that point in time, that Clean Kitchen didn’t just “change” my life in so many positive ways, I began looking at CK as “saving” my life. I began to realize how much...

The Suck

(Image graphic from physiqonomics.com) By Jamie Page I have watched countless people start the process only to completely stop right before the real change can happen. And yes, I mean people I have coached personally and there was nothing I could have said or done to get them past the...

Sound Bites: Month 2

Month 2 of the Clean Kitchen Challenge is a really important phase for clients. Month 2 is when things really start clicking and clients start trusting the process. We asked clients in a survey, how do you feel your CK experience has gone so far? Here is what they had...

Yes, dudes need CK too.

It is not surprising that we get majority of women who sign up for Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge. But we do have those few brave men who take action. And when they go all in the results are amazing! Check out the beginning story of Justin's journey. We are...

T1D + CK

By Heather Williams I’ve been a Type-1 Diabetic going on 15 years. Living with T1D is a full-time balancing act requiring constant attention to avoid acute, life-threatening hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or the long-term damage done by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Blood sugar levels must be monitored with finger pricks...
