By Abbie Hendley
After having 2 babies within 2 years, my body and my mind were of last concern. I’ve never been obese and honestly, hid my figure pretty well with fashionable clothes but on the inside, I was miserable.
I hated the way I looked (all of the time) and felt. I was unhappy, felt unloved (despite having 3 beautiful girls and a loving husband) and could see myself failing at what mattered the most to me, being a wholesome wife and mother.
I’ve always stayed pretty active but that wasn’t cutting it anymore. I was a nursing mom so I couldn’t do any sort of calorie restriction diet and honestly, who wants to cut back on good food? Not me! So I was looking for something more sustainable, realistic and that I could make work for myself and my family and I found Clean Kitchen and The 12 Week challenge.
I was a bit nervous to start this program because with every diet change, there comes changes in meals and my family always gives me a hard time. They aren’t very open to trying new recipes and really love their snacks.
Well, to my surprise, all of my kids and my husband hopped on board. They willingly tried all of the new recipes and even didn’t mind me substituting cookies and chips with fruit and more wholesome options! There are still days where my kids and husband have pizza, chicken nuggets, hot dogs and fries but I’m not tempted because I have my habits instilled in me through the Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge. I can continually make good food choices while my kids and husband enjoy their snacks!
To be honest, there were times where I struggled and felt disappointed. I was expecting to see BIG changes, FAST and I didn’t get that. With the help of my coach, I was able to stay on the track, focused on the end goal and reminded to trust the process.
Clean Kitchen doesn’t teach a fad diet that ends after 12 weeks. It’s a lifestyle change. Through the program you learn how to live a healthier life by making wholesome food choices that will sustain your body and mind FOR LIFE.
Now, 12 weeks later, I’m down 12 pounds and a total of 8 inches and I feel amazing. I am happy. I am strong. I love myself. I have learned how to take care of my body and mind in a way that I can manage for the rest of my life. All thanks to the Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge!!