FALL 2020
During the Fall 2020 Challenge we watched over 100 clients take on big lifestyle changes in the midst of a very tumultuous year. With the MANY curveballs this year has brought, as coaches we looked at our clients for inspiration and motivation just as much as they looked to us!
As we end this year with our last CK Challenge of 2020, we can't help but to look back a be so very thankful we were able to help our clients navigate a hard year, but also help empower them to take on the lifetime afterwards armed with new habits! Check out a sampling of the Fall 2020 Client Progress pics!
WINNER OF $1000 IS...

Every challenge our clients get to vote in an anonymous progress picture vote on who had the most visible change. The client with the most votes gets the $1000 CASH! And while, we only have one winner, every single person who goes through our coaching gets something invaluable, a new perspective and new way of creating their good health for a lifetime. You too can gain what they now have! Check out when the next Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge is starting back up.

Congratulations to ALL who completed the Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge! It truly is amazing to see what simple habit changes can do with out counting calories or making yourself psycho over which "diet" strategy is best to follow. Just start with simple and let that grow. You will never look at food choices the same again.
Are you ready to make a change?