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Fall 2019 Client Progress Photos

What you see here are the results of a little more awareness of what is really going on, a little more effort in changing some lifestyle habits, and getting in an autopilot-groove of the habits. The action steps we coach are the foundation to what your health could become.

Summer 2019 Progress Pics

Progress pictures from the Summer 2019 Challenge. The Clean Kitchen Challenge is about becoming a "different" person than you are now in every way. Not just physically as you see in these photos below, but in the way you think about food, how you plan, how you measure progress, how you talk to yourself and forgive yourself. More importantly, how you learn to love a process that is foreign to some of you now. By the end of week 12 you will get it, it's automatic...it's a habit ;)

Winter 2017 CK Challenge Results

896.4 That is the total combined pounds lost of all the clients who just finished the Winter 2017 Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge. Honestly, that number is probably much higher but some people did not log final measurements! That number has nothing on inches lost by all participants. We are...

Summer 2016 Progress Pictures!

We had an amazing group of people in the Summer 2016 Clean Kitchen 12 Week Challenge. The progress picture vote was SO HARD with so many amazing pictures of progress. Featured below are our winners and a gallery full of of the amazing body transformations that happened in just 12...
